I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing,
and I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

24 Life Lessons by Age 24

As my 24th birthday came and went this past weekend, I spent some time thinking about some of the things I've learned over the past twenty-four years - things that I think would be useful for my nieces and nephews to learn before they get to be twenty four.  :)  Some of these things I learned from other people, but a lot of them I learned from my own experiences . . . often through my own mistakes.

However, a word of disclaimer:  I do not claim to have learned these lessons perfectly or completely.  I am still very much a work in progress!  This is simply a collection of good ideas and advice that I give to myself on a regular basis, and I have decided to share them with you!

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1.  Do what you say you'll do  If you want to be respected and known as a dependable and trustworthy person, follow through on your commitments.  This includes showing up where you say you'll be (on time!) and following through with what you've promised to do.

2.  Pray about everything.  All the time.  This is probably the #1 biggest thing that has changed my life in the past year.  Continual, ongoing conversation with Jesus brings so much joy, peace, grace, and wisdom to my life!

3.  Don't make decisions out of fear or exhaustion.  Everything looks radically different after a solid night of sleep, so don't make any major life decisions before you catch some zzz's!  In addition, learn to recognize how fear presents itself in your life, and resolve to make decisions based on the truth of God's Word, NOT on fear!

4.  Never pass up an opportunity to dance.

5.  When talking and/or listening to someone, do your best to give that person your full, undivided attention.  This applies to conversations both on the phone and in person.  Don't make the person feel unimportant by texting, interrupting, or having side conversations.

6.  Learn to drive a stick shift; you'll never regret learning this important skill!  If you're a girl, knowing how to drive a stick makes you feel super BA, and if you're a guy, it's a requirement in order to maintain possession of your Man Card.

7.  Read more books.  Watch less TV.

8.  Write letters.  I'm talking real pen-and-paper-letters here.  Postcards or notecards work too, just as long as its handwritten and in an envelope.  In our age of Facebook and texting, letter writing can seem like a dying art, but it can honestly do so much to brighten someone's day.  Plus they're really fun to receive too.  :)

9.  Be thankful for the big things, the small things, and everything in between.  Even when it's hard, find joy in all the details of life.

10.  Smile at strangers when you're walking down the street.

11.  Share your lunch with a homeless person.

12.  Stick with your sports team in the good years AND the "building" years.  Wins will be that much sweeter when you've been a faithful fan through the drought.

13.  Even if you're an extravert, intentionally schedule time to spend alone.  You need it, and God likes to speak to us in the stillness and the quiet.  

14.  Don't be mean.  I realize this is rather broad, but just don't do it.  Look for ways to give people the benefit of the doubt.

15.  Don't believe the Les Schwab guys when they tell you that your car will probably disintegrate into a thousand pieces on your way home.  They are usually exaggerating.  Drive your car home and ask your dad or your brother for a second opinion.

16.  Learn to say no.  Not just to drugs, but to good things as well.  You are not superman; you cannot be involved in every good thing that crosses your path.  Choose carefully which things you commit yourself to, and strive to give your very best to those things.

17.  Discover the love languages of the people closest to you and learn to speak their language fluently.

18.  You'll never outgrow taking naps.

19.  Keep your checkbook balanced.  Always know how much money you have, and don't spend more than that amount.  Period.

20.  When going on a road trip, pick your driving buddy(s) carefully.  The people you're with can make or break a road trip.  

21.  Take a chance.  Go somewhere you've never been.  Say hi to someone you've never met.  Try something you've never done.

22.  Don't be a party pooper.  Find the joy and the fun in every situation.

23.  Learn to cook.  You don't have to be a five star chef, but know how to follow a recipe, learn how to make the basics, (spaghetti, hamburgers, and chocolate chip cookies) and you'll never starve.

24.  Your relationship with Jesus is THE MOST IMPORTANT relationship in your life.  Spend lots of time intentionally working on and investing in that relationship, just like you would in an important human relationship.